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Senior Staff Systems Engineer - FAA NAS Safety Risk Modeler

首页。 Office, District of Columbia, 美国 of America


星际网赌导航公司. 目前正在寻找自我激励和经验丰富的NAS安全风险建模师来开发和量化国家空域系统(NAS)运行的航空安全风险模型, 进行概率风险评估(PRA),并支持利益相关者使用这些安全模型,以做出基于风险的安全管理决策.

这是一个令人兴奋和具有挑战性的机会,致力于关键的安全系统,直接确保美国许多航班的安全.S. As a Senior Staff Systems Engineer on the team, 您将有机会与不同的内部和外部团队成员一起工作, spanning numerous disciplines and all experience levels.

Roles and Responsibilities include:

  • 在技术主管和项目经理的指导下,与地理分布的团队合作. Works with substantial independence within their defined scope of responsibilities.

  • 运用航空安全原则和实践知识建立NAS操作的安全风险模型. 致力于研究和组合来自多个来源的不同数据集,并合并与安全相关的事件数据,如前体信息, 障碍, and influencing factors to produce appropriate values to quantify NAS safety risk models. 应用统计, 逻辑, 以及其他进行航空安全风险建模或航空相关安全风险评估的数学概念.

  • 为团队开发的工具和流程准备并提供技术指导手册和培训课程内容. 对工具用户进行现场和远程培训,并提出改进培训的建议.

  • 参与与工具和流程的操作使用相关的现场和远程信息和技术会议,以了解利益相关者的需求,并为项目的工具使用提出建议.

  • 建议流程改进,以提高程序工具和流程的操作效率和成本效益.

  • 开发和提供技术演示和技术文件,并支持在会议上向项目利益相关者展示这些材料, and public and industry forums.

  • Identifies and documents the root cause of repetitive problems encountered by program tool users, 必要时解决, and follow up with program stakeholders to ensure satisfaction with action(s) taken.

  • 制定并提供支持计划,优先考虑和解决用户问题,并根据用户体验进行产品改进.

  • Participates and contributes to meetings (e.g., 进行示威游行, 收集利益相关者的反馈, record and prioritize action items, 与项目涉众一起报告问题的运行状态,并提出改进项目工具能力和相关文档的建议.

  • 利用MS Project或类似的应用程序开发和管理任务计划和项目工作流,以确保按计划完成任务.

  • 检讨现有商业广告, 通用航空(GA), 以及无人机系统(UAS)安全风险模型,使用图形界面软件来表示相关安全相关事件(如前驱)中的故障方面, 障碍, and influence factors and performs the following activities: 

    • 编辑现有的或创建新的安全风险模型,其事件结果代表国际民用航空管理局(ICAO)商业航空安全小组CAST/ICAO通用分类小组(CICTT)对航空事故和事件的定义;

    • 使用代表NAS操作组件的元素编辑现有的或创建新的安全风险模型, 例如,它们作为参与者的相关角色和相互作用可以增加或减轻安全风险, for the following related aviation activities:

      • Commercial and GA operations (e.g., operations authorized under 14 CFR Part 121, 135, 129, 和91年, and airports operating under 14 CFR Part 139)

      • Unmanned aviation operations (e.g., operations authorized to operate under 14 CFR Part 107),

      • 空气 traffic control procedures and practices,

      • 地面/调度操作,

      • 技术操作,

      • 机场营运(e).g., runway and taxiway rules and procedures),

      • 空气craft systems and piloting, and

      • Human factors and human performance;

      • Update safety model quantification (e.g., frequency, probability) when directed by program requirements.

  • Applies appropriate statistical, 逻辑, 或其他数学结构来组合数据和计算基线安全风险,并记录一份报告,总结与潜在系统变化相关的分析和安全风险评估;

  • 研究并结合来自多个来源的不同数据集,以产生适当的值来量化NAS安全风险模型;

  • 与利益相关者合作,了解他们的需求,并在定量安全风险建模的背景下将这些需求转化为技术要求; 

  • Presents complex technical information to a variety of audiences such as man年龄ment and aviation professionals; and

  • 开发并提供技术简报,以展示和参与与项目及其工具相关的专业和行业会议,并提出与讨论主题相关的建议.

薪酬范围: $132,800 - $172,700

The compensation range provided is a general guideline. When extending an offer, 星际网赌导航公司. considers factors including (but not limited to) the role and associated responsibilities, Locations, and market and business considerations, as well as the candidate's work experience, 关键技能, 和教育/培训.



  • U.S. 公民需要. Position may be subject to a background investigation.
  • 15年以上航空安全领域定性和定量风险建模经验.


  • Doctoral degree in a field of engineering such as Aerospace, 机械, 系统工程, 计算机科学, Operations Research or another domain.


一定是U.S. 公民. 被选中的申请人可能会受到政府的安全调查,并且必须符合获得机密信息的资格要求.


星际网赌导航是联邦政府的承包商,并坚持维持无毒品工作场所所必需的政策和计划. As a condition of employment, candidates will be required to pass a pre-employment drug screen.


Saab provides an excellent working environment offering professional growth opportunities, 有竞争力的工资, 工作与生活的平衡, business-casual atmosphere and comprehensive benefits:

  • Medical, vision and dental insurance for employees and dependents

  • Paid time off including: minimum of 3 weeks vacation, 5 .浮动假期, 8个法定假日, 育婴假, 个人疾病, 丧亲之痛, 陪审员的义务, long-term and short-term disability

  • 401(k) with immediate vesting on employer match

  • 学费援助

  • 学生贷款援助

  • 健康账户,护理.com subscription and employee assistance programs

  • Employee stock purchase program with employer match


Saab is a leading defense and security company with an enduring mission, to help nations keep their people and society safe. 由其19,000名人才, Saab constantly pushes the boundaries of technology to create a safer, more sustainable and more equitable world. 在美国.S., Saab delivers advanced technology and systems, supporting the U.S. Armed Forces and the Federal Aviation Administration, as well as international and commercial partners. 该公司总部位于纽约州锡拉丘兹,在美国八个国家设有业务部门和当地员工.S. Locations.

星际网赌导航公司,我们视多样性为一种资产,并为您的职业发展提供无限的机会. 我们也是一家尊重每个人需求的公司,并鼓励员工以平衡的方式领导, 奖励工作之外的生活. Saab values diversity and is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer. 我们鼓励所有符合条件的个人申请,并将考虑雇用,而不考虑种族, color, 宗教, 国家的起源, 性行为(包括怀孕), 性取向, 性别认同, 年龄, 经验丰富的, 残疾状态, 或者其他联邦政府, 状态, 或者本地受保护的类别.