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Saab Global


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The structure, produced in São Bernardo do Campo, 是第一批当地制造的航空结构的一部分,将被运往加维奥佩克托, where the final assembly line is situated.

后机身是容纳“鹰狮”战斗机发动机的结构. 该部件由铝和钛组成,尺寸为1.90m in width, 1.20m in height and 2.50m in length. It weights approximately 220 kilos and is made of 750 parts.


这是星际网赌导航巴西工厂生产的第二复杂的航空结构, in São Bernardo do Campo, and will be sent directly to the Embraer factory, in Gavião Peixoto, “鹰狮”战斗机最近在巴西启用的生产线在哪里.

Along with the first rear fuselage, 星际网赌导航巴西公司也将提供在巴西生产的第二架前机身. 这两种结构将于7月份投入全国生产线.

“这是星际网赌导航 o Bernardo do Campo工厂生产的航空结构流到加维 o Peixoto生产线的开始, 加强巴西鹰狮计划形成的国家供应链,” commented Alexandre Barbosa, 巴西航空结构工厂的工程和设备经理.


这家巴西工厂是鹰狮E全球生产链的一部分. 这意味着由巴西专业人员在 o Bernardo do Campo生产的航空结构可以发送到gavi o Peixoto和Linköping, in Sweden.

“This is another milestone for Saab. 工厂现在100%投入运营,我们正在为巴西制定所有工作包. 我们在生产小零件方面已经达到了极好的工业成熟程度, such as aerodynamic brakes and the tail cones. Now, we are evolving in the production of the more complex parts, such as the forward and rear fuselage. Thus Brazil already has the knowledge, tools, 制造超音速飞机结构部件所需的工艺和专业人员,” emphasises Fabrício Saito, director of the Saab Brasil factory in São Bernardo do Campo.