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世界上最伟大的沉船之一, 耐力, 刚刚被发现, 107年前,她在南极洲海岸沉没. The incredible rediscovery of polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton’s famous ship was made by a team using 21st century technology, 涉及水下设备和两名星际网赌导航公司的员工.

自她在南极洲海岸沉没以来的一个世纪里, 欧内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士的船“耐力”已经成为传奇, 作为世界上最大的沉船之一.


但, 事情发生了惊人的转变, the wooden three-masted ship belonging to the famous polar explorer 刚刚被发现, 坐在水下三公里处. 和, 令人难以置信的, the ship looks just as she did on the November day in 1915 when she vanished into the deep during Shackleton’s doomed Antarctic expedition. 就连耐力号的船牌也清晰可辨!

这一成功发现是在周日进行的, 3月6日, 巧合的是,1922年是沙克尔顿葬礼100周年纪念日. It came right at the end of a special two-week search mission that was sponsored by the Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust, 就在恶劣的天气即将结束探险的时候.

这艘船wreck of 耐力, located on a depth of more than 3000 metres in Antarctica. 图片来源:福克兰群岛海洋遗产信托基金
耐力号右舷艏. 图片来源:福克兰群岛海洋遗产信托基金

和, 我们将在下面解释, two Saab 剑齿虎 underwater vehicles had a vital part to play in the triumphant search, 两名星际网赌导航工程师的意见. 难怪彼得·厄克斯, 星际网赌导航水下系统业务部门的销售总监, 说, “我真的很兴奋. 这真的很有趣. The news about the rediscovery of 耐力 and Saab’s involvement is sp读ing really fast!”


Don't miss our 3-episode documentary about the story behind 耐力 and the Antarctic expedition. 


视频- 12:49


“耐力”号是一艘有着传奇却又坎坷历史的船. In late 1914 and early 1915 Shackleton’s Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition attempted to achieve the first crossing of Antarctica from the Weddell Sea in the north-west to the Ross Sea in the south, 经南极.

然而, after managing to make the long voyage from the UK to the edge of the ‘White Continent’, 沙克尔顿的南极探险很快就失败了. Three of the support team supplying the route from the Ross Sea side died in the extreme conditions, 而耐力号本身则逐渐被厚厚的浮冰所困.


因为耐力被牢牢地卡住了, 沙克尔顿和他的28名船员弃船而去,在冰上扎营, 看着他们的船慢慢被压碎,然后在11月21日永远沉没, 1915. After that the explorer and his men had no choice but to make a desperate bid for survival. 他们乘坐耐力公司救起的救生艇向北航行, crossing hundreds of kilometres over sea ice and the wild open waters of the Southern Ocean, 五个月后,他们到达了遥远的象岛.

从那里, 沙克尔顿和另外两人乘坐另一艘1号船成功航行,到南乔治亚岛, where they then had to cross over harsh mountain terrain to reach a Norwegian whaling station to raise the alarm for their eventual rescue. Shackleton and his crew’s amazing story became known as one of the epic feats of endurance during the early 20th century’s Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration.


“耐力”号探险队寻找沙克尔顿的船是在早些时候进行的, 2019年的努力没有结果. This latest mission brought together some of the world’s leading marine archaeologists, 工程师, 技术人员, 海冰科学家, 谁航行到S.A. 阿古拉斯二号,有史以来最大最现代化的极地考察船之一.

剑齿虎在S号上.A. 阿古拉斯2号去找耐力号. 图片来源:福克兰群岛海洋遗产信托基金
剑齿虎被部署在南极海. 照片由:埃斯特霍瓦特/福克兰群岛海洋遗产信托

Among the vital pieces of equipment on board the Agulhas were two Saab 剑齿虎 underwater vehicles, 一个是卖的,一个是从星际网赌导航租的. Two Saab employees – Software System Engineer Thomas 和réasson and System Engineer Lars Lundberg – were also on board the research vessel, to ensure the 剑齿虎 system worked properly as the research team collected and evaluated the search data.


剑齿虎 underwater vehicles are more commonly associated with applications for the offshore oil and gas industry, 但这一次,他们面临的是寒冷, 黑暗深处不止3处,水下3000米(3公里). The 剑齿虎 were ideal for the mission due to their ability to reach sites up long distances from the ship where they are launched, and because they could withstand both freezing sea temperatures and great depths to obtain photos, 视频和调查数据. 这使得探险队有可能调查沉船的地点, even if bad sea ice and weather were to prevent the expedition ship from reaching the location itself.


Renowned polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ship 耐力 has been found underwater off the coast of Antarctica, 107年后. 这是对世界上最伟大的沉船之一的不可思议的重新发现.


The wooden ship was located three kilometres deep in the freezing cold Weddell Sea by a team funded by the Falkland Maritime Heritage Trust. Despite a century underwater she’s still in the same condition as the day she sank after being crushed by pack ice. 在沉船的录像中,甚至可以清楚地看到船的名字!


两艘星际网赌导航剑齿虎水下航行器被用于搜寻“耐力”号, 因为他们有能力到达离发射船很远的地方, 因为他们可以承受最恶劣的环境来获得照片, 视频和调查数据.


来自星际网赌导航的两名工程师, Lars Lundberg和Thomas andracasson, 是“耐力”号寻找沙克尔顿船探险队的一员吗. 拉尔斯和托马斯在S号船上.A. Agulhas II research vessel to ensure that the 剑齿虎 technology worked properly.


耐力号的地点引起了世界媒体的轰动, 因为它解决了一个世纪的海洋之谜. 彼得。据, Saab销售总监, 说: “The news about the rediscovery of 耐力 and Saab’s involvement is sp读ing really fast!”

“There are many technical features in the system that make this application possible, 比如剑齿虎的稳定性, 耐久性和实时更新能力,彼得·厄克斯说.

“耐力号的搜索工作面临许多挑战, 包括低温和移动的冰, 但也包括团队将要到达的极端深度. It’s actually been really great for Saab to see how the system has performed so well under such harsh conditions. We’ve collected some really valuable experiential data so we can take that with us and improve the system.”

但, 彼得·厄克斯证实了这一点, the greatest excitement of all is this incredible find and Saab being part of an astonishing piece of maritime history: the day when Sir Ernest Shackleton’s long-lost 耐力 ship was finally rediscovered, 107年后.